Brief and informal introduction to parameter lists of CL.

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Common Lisp parameter lists have some interesting features I haven’t encountered in other languages. But before I get to those, I will start by introducing the usual argument passing styles in CL.

Let’s start with a simple function definition:

(defun mul (a b)
  (* a b))

In CL, parameter lists are officially called “lambda list”. So (a b) is the lambda list here.

There are various types of lambda lists. The one used by functions is called “ordinary lambda list”. Macro definitions use an “extended lambda list”.

You have all the usual parameter styles that you would be familiar from languages like Python. You have required, optional, keyword, as well as a rest (catchall) style parameter. The way these are declared is slightly unconventional. The way they behave (especially the way combinations behave) is also different from other languages.

Each parameter declaration is called a “parameter specifier”. Specifiers of the same style are grouped together. There are “lambda list keywords” that describes the kind of each group.

Here is an example with optional positional parameters (... is where function body would go):

                __ required parameters
               /               __ optional parameters
           ___/          _____/
(defun fn (a b &optional c d e) ... )
                    \_ A lambda list keyword.

This can be called like:

(fn 1 2)     ; c = nil, d = nil, e = nil
(fn 1 2 3 4) ; c = 3, d = 4, e = nil

So everything you declare before the first lambda-list keyword are required parameters.

Lambda list keywords start with ampersand character, like: &optional.

Another example, this time using a &rest parameter:

                __ required
               /          __ all other positional arguments
           ___/      ____/   gathered into a list
(defun fn (a b &rest args) ... )

This can be called like:

(fn 1 2)             ; args = nil
(fn 1 2 3)           ; args = '(3)
(fn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) ; args = '(3 4 5 6 7 8)

And the last one, using keyword parameters:

                __ required
               /        __ keyword arguments
           ___/     ___/
(defun fn (a b &key c d) ... )

This can be called like:

(fn 1 2)      ; c = nil , d = nil
(fn 1 2 :d 4) ; c = nil , d = 4

You can combine different groups but only a subset of combinations build an intuitive protocol.

I will continue describing some interesting aspects in future posts, but you can read a great description of details from the functions section of Practical Common Lisp.

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