Exploring HSV to RGB conversion for fun.

I will talk a little bit about the most straightforward HSV to RGB conversion algorithm, and I will try to iterate on it, for better or worse. I don’t think the result of my iteration has any significance, because:

  • Most cases where the performance of HSV to RGB conversion matters probably involve GPU shader-based implementations.
  • There are already well known alternative HSV to RGB implementations that I assume are much more suitable for GPUs than the approach I am iterating on.

So this post is just documenting a programming puzzle I spent time on, for fun. I will mostly discuss using pseudo-code. But I might have a closer look at performance implications of various implementations in follow-up posts.


Common algorithms for HSV to RGB conversion is documented in HSL and HSV Wikipedia page.

I spent some time exploring the first algorithm. It is simple, and it involves an interesting switch that makes me want to replace with a different approach.

There are two aspects to it:

  • Calculating a set of values to be assigned to R, G, and B components.
  • Distributing those values to each component.

Latter aspect shows up in the description as:

(C, X, 0) if 0 <= H' < 1
(X, C, 0) if 1 <= H' < 2
(0, C, X) if 2 <= H' < 3
(0, X, C) if 3 <= H' < 4
(X, 0, C) if 4 <= H' < 5
(C, 0, X) if 5 <= H' < 6

Here, H' corresponds to a particular factor of hue, depending on how we represent hue.

If H is represented in degrees in range [0, 360), then H' is:

H' = H / 60

If we were to represent H in range [0, 1], then:

H' = H * 6

C is chroma, where V is value, and S is saturation:

C = V x S

X doesn’t directly map to a term I know of. It is the second largest component, and its formula is:

X = C x (1 - |H'mod2 - 1|)

Once the right component ordering is found, each of those values will then be summed with V - C to get the final RGB values.


Let’s manually try this with the HSV values below, all values being in [0,1] range:


Here is what the calculation would look like:

H' = 3.6
C = 0.8 * 0.7 = 0.56
X = 0.56 * ( 1 - |1.6-1|) = 0.56 * 0.4 = 0.224

Since H' is 3.6, base values of components is: (0, X, C). Using this, we can calculate RGB:

R = 0.7 - 0.56 + 0     = 0.14
G = 0.7 - 0.56 + 0.224 = 0.364
B = 0.7 - 0.56 + 0.56  = 0.7

Since the ordering of the X, C, and 0 values for each case doesn’t follow a very trivial pattern, the implementations I see usually have an actual switch statement. In fact, two variables are used instead of X, representing the two possible expansions of the absolute-value term.

Let’s assume F to be the fractional part of H':

X0 = C * F
X1 = C * (1 - F)

For this variant, distribution of values becomes:

(C , X0, 0 ) if 0 <= H' < 1
(X1, C , 0 ) if 1 <= H' < 2
(0 , C , X0) if 2 <= H' < 3
(0 , X1, C ) if 3 <= H' < 4
(X0, 0 , C ) if 4 <= H' < 5
(C , 0 , X1) if 5 <= H' < 6

Revising the previous example:

H' is 3.6, base values of components is now: (0, X1, C). Everything else being the same:

X1 = 0.56 * ( 1 - 0,6 ) = 0.224

In this form, the pattern of how these 4 possible values are ordered for different values of H' is even more obfuscated.

Revising the Algorithm

I was trying to find a way to rewrite this in a way to have some kind of ordering pattern. Specifically, a pattern that’s simple enough that I can implement without a switch. One approach I found is this:

Instead of assuming C as a constant, and selecting either X0 or X1, we can rewrite the distribution of components so that, both X0 and X1 always gets assigned to a component, but in each case, either X0 or X1 equals C. Now, there is a clear cycling ordering of values: X1, X0, and 0:

(X1, X0, 0 ) where X1 = C, if 0 <= H' < 1
(X1, X0, 0 ) where X0 = C, if 1 <= H' < 2
(0 , X1, X0) where X1 = C, if 2 <= H' < 3
(0 , X1, X0) where X0 = C, if 3 <= H' < 4
(X0, 0 , X1) where X1 = C, if 4 <= H' < 5
(X0, 0 , X1) where X0 = C, if 5 <= H' < 6

To achieve this, we can redefine X0 and X1 as below, where H_ODD is true if integer part of H' is odd:

H_ODD = H'mod2 >= 1
X0 = C * ( H_ODD ?     1 : F )
X1 = C * ( H_ODD ? (1-F) : 1 )

Adapting previous example again, the ordering is (0, X1, X0), where:

H_ODD = true
X0 = 0.56 * 1 = 0.56
X1 = 0.56 * ( 1 - 0.6 ) = 0.224

Since we now have a clear pattern, we can assign each value to indices that are calculated based on arithmetic. Here is a C implementation of this approach:

 hsv_to_rgb( double const * const hsv, double * const rgb )
    const double h = ( hsv[ 0 ] - floor( hsv[ 0 ] ) ) * 6;
    const int h_int = ( int ) h;
    const double h_frac = h - h_int;
    const unsigned int h_shr1 = h_int >> 1;
    const int h_odd = h_int & 1;
    const double chroma = hsv[ 1 ] * hsv[ 2 ];
    const double svf = chroma * h_frac;
    rgb[ ( h_shr1 + 0 ) % 3 ] = hsv[ 2 ] - h_odd * svf;
    rgb[ ( h_shr1 + 1 ) % 3 ] = hsv[ 2 ] - !h_odd * ( chroma - svf );
    rgb[ ( h_shr1 + 2 ) % 3 ] = hsv[ 2 ] - chroma;

When I did some naive benchmarking, I did observe better performance with this approach compared to the switch based implementation. However, I am pretty sure other popular HSV to RGB approaches will be faster than this. (I also haven’t really tested this implementation for edge cases.)

One alternative is actually documented in the same Wikipedia page. But I haven’t spent much time to understand that algorithm yet. I might do that in a future post.

That’s all for today. Thanks for reading! If you find technical errors, please report in the blog’s Issues page.