Bash snippet to generate tag files for C/C++.

[ Check out all posts in “c-cpp” series here. ]

Yesterday, I shared a code snippet to check out type size and alignment in C++. I don’t have enough time for a decent post today, so I will just continue with a useful snippet for C/C++ development.

This will be just a few lines of bash to easily generate a combined tag file using ctags, for multiple related repositories.

Let’s say I use SDL. There are a bunch of repositories that extend the feature set, like SDL_image.

So I want to have a single TAGS file that covers all relevant repositories.

Let’s say I cloned all these repos as subdirectories under $HOME/ext/sdl. I use a bash snippet to:

  • gather the set of all relevant source files under those locations,
  • generate tags for each.

During the process, I am creating a file called src_sdl.list. It contains the list of source files for which tags will be generated. Then the tag file (called TAGS) will be generated. Note that src_sdl.list is useless after tag generation.

Here is the example code:


cd $HOME/ext/sdl

do find $d -type f -name '*.h' -o -name '*.hh' -o -name '*.hpp' >> src_sdl.list

do find $d -type f -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.cpp' >> src_sdl.list

ctags -e --c++-kinds=+p -L src_sdl.list

The -e option to ctags mean “create a tag file for use with Emacs”. So if you use another editor, you probably don’t need that.

This is super simple, but I often regenerate the tags after updating the cloned repos. So it is good to have a script to repeat the process.

Are Tags Still Relevant?

It looks like LSP is all the rage nowadays. And it honestly sounds great.

However, I prefer to rely on fairly rudimentary dev tooling that I know I can absolutely use anywhere, and setup quickly, and tags fits this criteria.

I need cheap and reliable jump-to-definition. I don’t care about intelligent code completion.

I suspect I am still missing out on some other nice features LSP provides, so I intend to try it sometime.

Anyway, long story short, I use tags. Tags are fine.

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